Publikationen Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Marc Baltensperger Originalarbeiten Bottler T, Kuttenberger J, Hardt N, Oehen HP, Baltensperger M Non-HIV-associated Kaposis sarcoma of the tongue Case report and review of the literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. , 2007 Jul 3 Nair PN, Baltensperger M, Luder HU, Eyrich GK Observations on pulpal response to carbon dioxide laser drilling of dentine in healthy human third molars. Lasers Med Sci. 2005 19(4):240-7 Baltensperger M, Graetz K, Bruder E, Lebeda R, Makek M, Eyrich G Is Primary Chronic O steomyelitis a Uniform Disease? Proposal of a Classification Based on a Retrospective Analysis of Patients Treated in the Past 30 Years. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2004; 32(1): 43 - 50 Keller OR, Weber FE, Grätz KW, Baltensperger MM, Eyrich GK Laser-induced temperature changes in dentine J Clin Laser Med Surg 2003; 21(6): 375 - 81 Eyrich GK, Baltensperger MM, Bruder E, Grätz KW Primary Chronic Osteomyelitis (PCO) in Childhood and Adolescence: A Retrospective Analysis of 11 cases and Review of the Literature J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003; 61(5): 561 - 73 Nair PN, Baltensperger MM, Luder HU, Eyrich GK Pulpal response to Er:YAG laser drilling of dentine in healthy human third molars Laser Surg Med 2003; 32(3): 203 - 9 Baltensperger MM, Ganzoni N., Jirececk V., Meyer V.E. The Extensor Digitorum Brevis Island Flap: Possible Applications based on Anatomy. Plast Reconstr Surg 1998 Jan; 101(1): 107 – 13 Buchbeiträge Baltensperger, Marc M.; Eyrich, Gerold K.H. Osteomyelitis of the Jaws Springer 2009, XXII, 316 p. 537 illus., 198 in color., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-28764-3, 2009 M. Baltensperger, R. Lebeda, M. Bothmann, B. Hammer Open Reduction of a Complex Orbital Fracture Including the Greater Sphenoid Wing with Decompression of the Orbit - Case Report Proceedings XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, September 12-15, 2006; 83-86 Baltensperger MM, Keller OR, Gönen A, Grätz KW, Schmutz J The Role of HBO-Therapy in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis of the Jaw. A retrospective Analysis of Patients treated at the department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery in Zurich (1988 - 2000) Proceedings of the XXVII EUBS (European Underwater and Baromedical Society) Annual Scientific: 166 - 69, 12 - 16 September 2001 Poster M. Baltensperger, R. Lebeda, M. Bothmann, B. Hammer Open Reduction of a Complex Orbital Fracture Including the Greater Sphenoid Wing with Decompression of the Orbit - Case Report XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, September 12-15, 2006 Abstracts T. Bottler, M. Baltensperger, R. Bertschinger, J. Kuttenberger, R. Lebeda Vestibuloplasty with skin graft and lowering of the floor of the mouth combined with simultaneous implant insertion – long term results J Cranio Maxillofac Surg 2006; 34 (Supplement 1): 89 M. Baltensperger, R. Pingoud, R. Lebeda Primary reduction of orbital floor fractures using a Foley catheter and alloplastic resorbable material J Cranio Maxillofac Surg 2006; 34 (Supplement 1): 101 M. Baltensperger, R. Lebeda, M. Bothmann, B. Hammer Open Reduction of a Complex Orbital Fracture Including the Greater Sphenoid Wing with Decompression of the Orbit - Case Report J Cranio Maxillofac Surg 2006; 34 (Supplement 1): 162 Baltensperger M, Lebeda R, Reed J, Bloomquist D Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Following Orthognathic Surgery: 10-Year Follow Up Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2005, 34 (Supplement 1) : 64 Lebeda R, Baltensperger M, Alcalde R, Blooquist D Aesthetic Changes in mandibular Midline Osteotomy for Constriction Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2005, 34 (Supplement 1) : 71, 72 Lebeda R, Baltensperger MM, Alcalde M, Bloomquist D Soft Tissue Changes Associated to Mandibular Constriction with Midline Osteotomy J Oral Maxillofac Surg , 2004, 32 (Supplement 1): 149 Baltensperger MM, Keller O , Eyrich GK, Gönen A, Lebeda R, Schenk B, Grätz KW, Schmutz J The Role of HBO-Therapy in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis of the Jaw. A retrospective Analysis of Patients treated at the department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery in Zurich (1988 - 2000). J Cranio Maxillofac Surg 2002; 30 (Supplement 1): 167 Baltensperger MM, Eyrich GK, Bruder E, Lebeda R, Grätz KW Is Primary chronic Osteomyelitis a uniform Disease? Proposal of an old / new Classification based on a retrospective Analysis of patients treated in the past 30 years. J Cranio Maxillofac Surg 2002; 30 (Supplement 1): 166 Keller O, Baltensperger MM, Eyrich GK, Gönen A, Schenk B, Grätz KW, Schmutz J Die Rolle der HBO-Therapie in der Behandlung der Osteomyelitis des Unterkiefers, eine retrospektive Studie. Swiss Surg 2002; 6 (Supplement 1): 97 Baltensperger MM, Eyrich GK, Bruder E, Lebeda R, Wassouf A, Grätz KW Die primär chronische Osteomyelitis (PCO) im Kiefer-Gesichtsbereich – einheitliches Krankheitsbild oder Oberbegriff für verschiedene Krankheitsentitäten? Versuch einer Klassifikation anhand der retrospektiven Analyse des Zürcher Patientengutes. Swiss Surg 2002; 6 (Supplement 1): 97 Eyrich GK, Gihasi E, Keller O, Baltensperger MM, Lebeda R, Grätz KW Die Rolle des Lasers in der Behandlung von vaskulären Läsionen im Kopf-, Halsbereich Swiss Surg 2002; 6 (Supplement 1): 98 Wassouf A, Verdeja R, Lebeda R, Baltensperger MM, Grätz KW Conservative treatment of condyle fractures – A retrospective study Swiss Surg 2002; 6 (Supplement 1): 68 Wassouf A, Eyrich GK, Lebeda R, Baltensperger MM, Grätz KW Removal of a dislocated lower third molar, from the left condylar region Swiss Surg 2002; 6 (Supplement 1): 69 Baltensperger MM, Keller OR, Gönen A, Grätz KW, Schmutz J The Role of HBO-Therapy in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis of the Jaw. A retrospective Analysis of Patients treated at the department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery in Zurich (1988 - 2000) Eur J Underwater Hyperbaric Med; Vol 2; No 3, September 2001; 88-89 Baltensperger MM, Eyrich GK, Bruder E, Lebeda R, Grätz K, Sailer H Juvenile chronic osteomyelitis - an early o nset of primary chronic osteomyelitis or an entity of its own? Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001; 30 (Supplement A); 19 - 20 Baltensperger MM, Bertschinger R Infekte im Kiefer- und Gesichtsbereich «Medizin erklärt» Publiziert im Internet auf der URL: