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Publikationen - Dr. med. Florian Jung

  • Chirurgische Therapieoptionen bei sekundärem Lymphödem
    Jung F
    OncoMAG 2021(2): 26-30
  • Brustrekonstruktionen heute
    Jung F, Jandali AR
    SwissKnife 2019(4): 12-14
  • Compartment syndrome of the forearm after intra-arteriel self-injection: With a mixture of methadone, flunitrazepam, saliva and water.
    Kamphuis SJM, Jandali AR, Jung FJ, Sproedt J
    Unfallchirurg 2018 Aug:121(8):669-673
  • Pro und Kontra der primären Brustrekonstruktion heute
    Jandali AR, Jung F
    Leading Opinions Hämatologie und Onkologie 2018 (7): 45-47
  • Optionen der Brustrekonstruktion
    Jung F, Jandali AR
    OncoMAG 2018 (4): 22-26
  • Tumor of the flexor tendon of the finger- a compelling case?
    Schöwe C, Jung FJ, Sproedt J.
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2018 Feb;50(1):57-59
  • Compartment syndrome of the forearm after intra-arterial self-injection : With a mixture of methadone, flunitrazepam, saliva and water.
    Kamphuis SJM, Jandali AR, Jung FJ, Sproedt J.
    Unfallchirurg. 2018 Aug;121(8):669-673
  • Functional-conservative treatment of extra-articular physeal fractures of the proximal phalanges in children and adolescents.
    Franz T, Jandali AR, Jung FJ, Leclère FM, von Wartburg U, Hug U
    Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Aug;23(4):317-21
  • Extra-articular fractures of the proximal phalnages of the fingers: a comparison of 2 methods of functional, conservative treatment.
    Franz T, von Wartburg U, Schibli-Beer S, Jung FJ, Jandali AR, Calcagni M, Hug U
    J Hand Surg Am. 2012 May;37(5):889-98
  • Reconstruction of isolated axillary nerve lesions: clinical and electrophysiological long-term results.
    Hug U, Vital D, Guggenheim M, Jung FJ, Giovanoli P
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2011 Dec;43(6): 351-5
  • Multicentric localised giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath of both hands with local infiltration of the extensor tendon: case report and review of the literature.
    Largo RD, Jung FJ, Calcagni M, Jandali AR
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2011 Jun;43(3):181-5
  • Double fascicular nerve transfer for isolated proximal musculocutaneous nerve lesion
    Hug U, Jung FJ, Guggenheim M, Giovanoli P.
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2011 Apr;43(2):102-4
  • Immune response deviation and enhanced expression of chemokine receptor CCR4 in TBI patients due to unknown serum factors.
    Cadosch D, Al-Mushaiqri MS, Gautschi OP, Chan E, Jung FJ, Skirving AP, Filgueira L
    Injury. 2010 Jun;41(6):e4-9. Epub 2009 Sep 24.
  • A case-matched controlled study on high-voltage electrical injuries vs thermal burns.
    Handschin AE, Vetter S, Jung FJ, Guggenheim M, Künzi W, Giovanoli P
    J Burn Care Res. 2009 May-Jun;30(3):400-7.
  • Wound therapy using the vacuum-assisted closure device: clinical experience with novel indications.
    Koehler C, Niederbichler AD, Jung FJ, Scholz T, Labler L, Perez D, Jandali A, Comber M, Kuenzi W, Wedler V.
    Journal of Trauma 2008 Sep;65(3):722-31
  • The influence of sentinel lymph node tumour burden on additional lymph node involvement and disease-free survival in cutaneous melanoma–a retrospective analysis of 392 cases.
    Guggenheim M, Dummer R, Jung FJ, Mihic-Probst D, Steinert H, Rousson V, French LE, Giovanoli P.
    British Journal of Cancer. 2008 Jun 17;98(12):1922-8
  • Morbidity and recurrence after completion lymph node dissection following sentinel lymph node biopsy in cutaneous malignant melanoma.
    Guggenheim MM, Hug U, Jung FJ, Rousson V, Aust MC, Calcagni M, Künzi W, Giovanoli P.
    Ann Surg. 2008 Apr;247(4):687-93.
  • Acute allograft rejection and immunosuppression: Influence on endogenous melatonin secretion.
    Cardell Markus, Jung Florian, Zhai Wei, Welp Andre, Manz Bernhard, Hillinger Sven, Weder Walter, Korom Stephan
    J Pineal Res. 2008 Apr;44(3):261-6
  • Surgical treatment of high-voltage electrical injuries.
    Handschin AE*, Jung FJ*, Guggenheim M, Moser V, Wedler V, Contaldo C, Kuenzi W, Giovanoli P
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2007 Oct;39(5):345-9
    * beide Autoren gelten als Erstautoren
  • Should human chondrocytes fly? The impact of electromagnetic irradiation on chondrocyte viability and implications for their use in tissue engineering.
    Koehler C, Niederbichler AD, Scholz T, Bode B, Roos J, Jung FJ, Hoerstrup SP, Hellermann JP, Wedler V.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 2006 Dec;29(5-6):415-20. Epub 2006 Oct 19.
  • CD26/Dipeptidyl-Peptidase-IV-Targeted therapyof acute lung rejection in rats.
    Florian J Jung, Lin Yang, Ingrid De Meester, Koen Augustyns, Markus Cardell, Sven Hillinger, Peter Vogt, Didier Lardinois, Simon Scharpé, Walter Weder, Stephan Korom
    J Heart Lung Transplant. 2006 Sep;25(9):1109-16. Epub 2006 Aug 17.
  • True neurologic thoracic outlet syndrome“ – anatomical features and electrophysiological long-term follow-up of lateral thenar atrophy.
    Hug U, Jung FJ, Guggenheim M, Wedler V, Burg D, Künzi W
    Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2006 Feb;38(1):42-5.
  • Melatonin in vivo prolongs cardiac allograft survival in rats.
    F.J. Jung, L. Yang, D. Schneiter, D. Lardinois, M. Keel, W. Weder, S. Korom.
    Journal of Pineal Research. 2004 Aug;37(1):36-41
  • Tissue engineered cartilage generated from human trachea using Degrapol® scaffold.
    Lin Yang, Stephan Korom, Manfred Welti, Simon Hoerstrup, Gregor Zünd, Florian J. Jung, Peter Neuenschwander, Walter Weder.
    European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2003; 24: 201-207
  • Gemcitabine in Models of Acute and Accelerated Rejection.
    F. Jung, S. Wilker, E. Maas, M. Brendel, H. Grimm, S. Korom.
    Transplant Proc 2002; 34: 1420-1421
  • CD 26 Expression and Enzymatic Activity in Recipients of Kidney Allografts.
    S. Korom, I. De Meester, E. Maas, A. Stein, S. Wilker, F. Jung, R. Weimer, M.D. Brendel, W. Ernst, S. Friemann, R. Linder, H. Grimm, W. Padberg, S. Scharpé, J.W. Kupiec-Weglinski, and K. Schwemmle.
    Transplant Proc 2002; 34: 1753-1754


  • Primärversorgung von Brandverletzungen
    F. J. Jung, V. Wedler, M. Guggenheim, A. Jandali und W. Künzi
    Informationszeitschrift KSD 03/06; 40-49
  • Entwicklungen in der Behandlung von schwer Brandverletzen
    A. Jandali, W. Künzi, F.J. Jung
    Informationszeitschrift KSD 03/06; 35-40
  • Rekonstruktive Chirurgie in der Urogenitalregion aus Sicht des Plastischen Chirurgen
    V. Wedler, F. Jung, W. Künzi
    Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie 2005: 4; 17-23

Book Contributions

  • The role of CD26/DPP IV in preservation of early pulmonary graft function
    Florian Johannes Jung, Markus Cardell, Lin Yang, Ingrid De Meester, Koen Augustyns, Sven Hillinger, Simon Scharpe, Walter Weder, Stephan Korom
    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer. 575: 231-235 (2006)